Why so serious Andrew?
Hello! Thanks for dropping by…
I do hope you enjoy a good read. Well that’s what the website was created for originally. My blog. Treat yourself to my holiday doings and vlogs.
And now, through the wonders of technology I am starting to sell my sewn items online. A micro-business side-hustle? - Yes Indeed! Who doesn’t enjoy some bespoke home-made bits n bobs?
“Don’t get confused by the names you may happen across the site. Baggersblog is the name of my blog. Sutura Opus is my sewing guise. Why Sutura Opus? - well that’s connected to my main limited company - Ipsum Opus. And if you buy from my online shop Ipsum Opus Limited is what’ll appear on your bank statement.
What a myriad of obfuscation - all caused by my inability to build a few web pages!”