7 October 2012

Vieux BassinIf only I'd listened to Caroline more about HTML or DT about photshop I wouldn't be in the pickle I am about my blog.  I appear to have some functionality issues and my imagery isnt uploading properly and the paragraph splits are a best, a but ropey.  But hey ho - here's todays installment.


Up at a reasonable time this morning.  Popped in to town for breakfast accessories (namely Pain Suisse or Pain au chocolate) to be greeted by an entire melange of activity.


That's unheard of on a Sunday in Honfleur.  I've often thought of life here being like it was in the '70's in the UK.  Namely shops shut at lunchtime for at least an hour, and to find anything more exciting than a newsagent open on a Sunday was a rareity.


It was stalls galore as there was a giant antique market all over town.  Obviously mixed in with the bric a brac of yesteryear were ninja stars and a variety of soaps on offer.


The weather too, has brought people from far and wide (namely America and Britain), and it was Harley Davidson-o-rama with bikers galore taking up space in my trusty Perroquet Vert bar.  Humpf.


Still there was plenty to look at, including vintage fur coats!  Imagine?!  They'd not have lasted 5 minutes back at home without someone throwing a can of paint down Naomi Campbells back.


In what i also believe is a big tourist attraction, were several horse drawn carts ferrying people hither and thither.  I can't imagine that being much fun as Honfleur is literally head to toe cobblestones (I've turned my ankle on more than one occasion).  Still it makes for hilarity watching people tramp down the aforementioned cobbled streets avoiding (and one hilarious occasion) NOT avoiding what comes out of the horses posterior.  Merde.  Mwa ha haa.


My favorite poster shop was doing a booming trade  - though I cant imagine who pays €900 for a canvas covered in ripped magazines - I am really tempted to give it a go at Chez Baguley when I am back.  Though I am not to be trusted with glue.  It's a disaster waiting to happen.

Spoke to mum earlier and when I told her I was planning a day in Deauville tomorrow I was certain I could detect an element of glee in her voice when she said that the weather wasnt going to be up to much.  Rude.


Also got done by O2 for using too much data.  I think I must have used all my 3G's when plotting my Novembver break to the US with Darren on the Skype.  Still I gave him a wobbly handed tour of Fiona's apartment.


So that's about it for today.  As you can see from the picture (if I manage to upload it) it's been rather nice weather-wise today, so I got the chance to wear my 'bodywarmer' for the first time.


Right - off to prepare dinner.  Then a quick beer in the harbour and back for some Twenty Twelve on DVD.  YIPPEE