Tenerife 2022. Day Two. Saturday
Well. Here we are again. Day dos. Regular readers will be gutted to know that I’ve not yet taken enough photos to make one of my tiny dramatic videos. So you’ll find a small selection of what I have taken so far in a bit.
I think I had a lot of time on my hands yesterday as I was travelling, so I’m mindful that I have inadvertently used up all my hilarity in blog episode one. I’ll see if I can try and get back on track a little more tomorrow.
Meanwhile. Today has been nice and relaxed (see also future days to come I imagine!). Spot of breakfast, spot of walking, spot of lounging by the pool listening to podcasts and a spot of trying not to burn myself on day one. Weather fans will be pleased that it’s been a pleasant 24 degrees and sunny. And astonishingly - with the time approaching 1830hrs I am not red raw! Freckles have essentially merged to create a faux tan effect.
Actually - noting the time. Is it just me or have the clocks changed in Tenerife? I always thought they were an hour ahead. European cutbacks I assume now stretch to the passage of time. Still, that’s Farage for you.
Now sat on balcony jotting my musings, as we get ready to head out for dinner. Tapas at El Horno de Neptuno. I may have wine! The horror! Wind has picked up a bit so it’s long sleeves for me!
In fitness news. The gym here has a spin bike - so I will be able to keep up my UK gym obsession. However I am not sure my performance will be better than usual - as you have to wear masks in gyms here at the moment. I’m not convinced I will last the duration of one of my online classes without wheezing like puffing Billy.
Right. There’s jenga-style towers of cheese to be eaten with the local liquor coffee - so I am outta here for today. Enjoy the pics. I’m using ‘carousel’ so there should be arrows to move you across the pics. Don’t worry there’s less than 10! And if you’re viewing on a mobile - tap the image for the caption.