27 April 2012 - SoBe Segways & giant piña colada's

So after a lovely night's sleep I awoke to the delicious smell of breakfast being cooked. Thanks Kelly!

I think the pets are warming to me - however April (giant poodle) is a bit nervous around me - but I can take solace in the fact that she's not mad keen on boys. And any play is very much on her terms.

So after delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and juice we were in the car and heading to South Beach. Ooh - isn't traffic in Miami a bit busy. We were heading for the one thing that I had booked as part of the itinerary - Segway tour of Art Deco Miami.

So having been stuck in slow moving traffic we arrived at 10th and Collins for our tour. Nowhere to park - so whilst Kelly went in search of parkings Darren and I hopped out into massively hot and humid weather - Like a cockroach I found myself scuttling to find shade wherever possible. Thankfully our 'glide' wasn't due to kick off until 2.30 - so time to find parking - and time for Darren and I to grab a quick coke and liberally slather ourselves with SPF 30 (although it's 50 for Darren, as he is such a delicate flower - mwa ha haa).

Oh dear no sign of Kelly being able to park.

Back to the segway shop, await her arrival and meet Oasis - our guide. I kid you not. That is really his name. Then - HURRAH - Kelly arrived and it was on with the helmets - and off with the training. I may have done this many times before - but I am still very slow.

And without further ado we were off! The photo shows us atop segways in the foreground and with the Versace mansion in the background. No need for any additional comments about us sporting his last look etc.

Then it was a two hour cruise up down and around Ocean Drive.

Its about 14 years since I was here last - and whilst I remember it being busy - I don't remember it being THIS busy. Plenty of gliding passed the be-muscled lovelies of South Beach working out - pecs and abs a-plenty - and that was just me!

Happy to report that there were no segway-related accidents despite Oasis not being the most safety conscious guide - IE having to whizz thro red stop lights etc. En route we passed through an area near the museum where there was a fancy car show taking place - IE lots of posh motors (pic 2) and the Holocaust museum, and the botanical gardens.

The amazing thing about the segway tour is that you get to see loads and cover plenty of ground. To walk that route would have taken hours and I would have frazzled to a crisp in the sun.

The two hours flew by - and before you could say indemnity insurance it was all over. So we decided to head out to an Ocean Drive bar for a beverage. We thought - a quick cocktail and snack. Kelly and I had piña colada - we weren't quite expecting the giant fishbowls we were presented with. It was nice - but a bit big. Good job we were having an emergency turkey club sandwich too.

Well we sat in our people spotting look out point for several hours. And there were plenty of people to look at. Oh dear. Lots of people wearing size-inappropriate clothing. And I don't know what it is - but I am obsessed.

Then after a lovely evening it was back home - and bed for me. I am hopeless at time zone travel (eg I keep thinking what time it is in the UK and feel the need to have a nap).