28 April 2014 - Back on line and Gator(s)
So - still running behind with bloggings but it's a packed schedule.
First job of the day was to get myself back in the world of the online. So a 10am trip to the local T-Mobile shop was in order.
Yes - they do what I want (SIM card and about £30 for unlimited data/text). Then the problems began. Could I remember my iTunes password and log in ID - could I heck.
Thankfullly Jorge was very patient and helpful as I tried a variety of combinations, resetting of accounts, checking many email addresses etc. He must have felt like I do when I act as Helpdesk for my mum (but didnt swear as much). But HURRAH after about 30 mins of faffing about I was FINALLY online with my American phone number. We were wondering how they make any money as there was only us in the shop with 7 assistants - and to be fair my purchase was tiny!
Then it was off for brunch at a reccomended nearby establishment. The Original Pancake House. De-licious. I had pigs in pancacke blanket, coffee and delicious freshly squeezed orange juice - mind you if you cant get decent fresh orange juice in Florida - where can you?
After the food stop it was off for an airboat ride in search of alligators. When we arrived the parking lot (see how I slip in to speaking American) it was full! Who thought there'd be so many people looking for reptiles? And it was getting v hot.
No sooner had we bought the tickets and had the mandatory sunscreen application we boarded our airboat - front row - RESULT.
Now I guess many people want to see gators on these rides - but I was more than happy with the whizzing along. We weren't far from base (on the way back) that we struck gator gold. There was a monster lurking in the water. Photos a-plenty to be had. Obviously most of mine were just of water or floating sticks. its very hard to see what's going on with my iphone screen in bright sunshine.
After the ride - it's the gator wrestling show. Now apparently on Animal Planet there is a programme called the Gator Boys - and this is where they're based. They take 'rescue' gators. So cue obligatory head in open gator mouth shot.
Then it was off to a nearby shopping mall for a cooling frappucino.
Then as that lovely mall was a bit top end - and I am a bit cheap we made our way to the Dolphin Mall - which is 1) just next to the new IKEA and 2) the mall I went to last time I was in Miami - 14 years ago! See another picture of their homophobic advertising! Poof - we'll find your size. How we did chuckle.
Then it was back to base briefly before we all headed out to Las Vegas (a Cuban restaurant - not the gambling capital) - Dee-licious. I had garlic chicken pieces with spices and black beans.
So that's you, dear reader, more or less up to date. It's now 940 am on Tuesday and after I upload this (thanks to tethering technologies) we need to let the dogs our for a wee, and it's off to SoBe for brunch at the News cafe. Lets see how much that has changed int he intervening 14 years......